Affordable Amenities
The West County Business Incubator is conveniently located near the Spirit of St. Louis Airport in Chesterfield, MO. This location features a variety of affordable office, warehouse, production and dock space to receive, store, and ship inventory. Common areas are professionally furnished and include a training room and multiple conference rooms.
Affordable, high-quality space is just the beginning. Be part of the West County Business Incubator and take advantage of every opportunity to build momentum for your venture. Our team can put your business on the fast track with on-site support, fresh insights, connection to capital, networking and customized mentoring.

743 Spirit 40 Park Drive
Chesterfield, MO 63005
Office: 149-817 SF
Warehouses/Production: 806-1,766 SF
For More Information, Contact:
Dennis Ayo
[email protected]