STL Partnership AEDO Reaccreditation

The STL Partnership has been reaccredited by the International Economic Development Council (IEDC) as a certified Accredited Economic Development Organization (AEDO). IEDC is a non-profit, non-partisan membership organization serving economic developers.

“Each AEDO is a unique organization,” said Kevin Cahill, Vice President of Strategic Initiatives at the STL Partnership. “What makes AEDO’s premier league is that we’re doing some innovative things and we’re considered the best of the best when it comes to the economic development field.”

The STL Partnership was reaccredited in December of 2020. There are 67 accredited economic development organizations out of approximately 2,400 in North America and Western Europe. These are the best of the best, models of achievement in the economic development field.

Areas of key import include financial stability, a sustainable source of operating funds, marketing, strategic planning, business retention and expansion efforts, and standing within a region’s broader business and civic community.

The Accreditation process has two phases.  Phase-1 is a document review demonstrating the organization’s development, structure, and activity.  The rigorous process entails an application, examination of 14 points of internal and external operations, interviews with key elected officials, community stakeholders and economic development partner agencies. As part of the phase-2 AEDO accreditation process, the STL Partnership received a thorough, peer-reviewed organizational assessment.

Cahill said that being an AEDO is important while retaining and expanding businesses in the region.

“It’s a feather in the STL Partnership’s and region’s cap that we can talk about,” said Cahill.