What Does Recovery Look Like For Businesses?

STL Regional Business Recovery Initiative

Several economic development groups have established the STL Regional Business Recovery Initiative to provide industry-specific input to local public health officials regarding best practices for reopening businesses safely. As part of this work, the Initiative is convening working groups tapping industry experts to help recovery efforts in key segments including restaurants, hotels, entertainment venues and attractions, commercial office buildings, retail, salons, gyms, and more. The working groups will provide input to public health leaders in regional governments as they formulate reopening policies.

The Initiative has received plans and protocols from a number of industry segments and will be seeking participation in the small working groups in other segments; protocols received to date have been submitted for review. The Initiative will share the plans and recommended protocols for each industry segment widely when completed. As plans are developed they will be posted on the St. Louis Regional Chamber web site https://www.stlregionalchamber.com/.

About the STL Regional Recovery Initiative:
These organizations are dedicated to leading the safe and responsible re-opening of the region’s businesses: Arch to Park, Civic Progress, Downtown STL, Inc., Economic Development Center of St. Charles County, Explore St. Louis, Leadership Council Southwestern Illinois, North County Incorporated, Regional Business Council, Small Business Development Center, St. Louis Community Foundation, St. Louis Development Corporation, St. Louis Economic Development Partnership, St. Louis Regional Chamber, St. Louis Regional Economic Development Alliance