A community driven, market based approach.

The Market Analysis and Feasibility Study Report is Now Available!

The report from the planning team is now available to download. For additional documents and presentations from the process, see the ‘Documents’ section of this website.

The report recommends Ag-Food Technology Campus as the preferred land use for the Jamestown Mall site. The report also outlines an alternative land use of senior (55+) residential with agri-living.

In addition to the Market Analysis and Feasibility Study report, please find:


23 Minute Overview Video of the Report from the Planning Team

Goals of the Study

The St. Louis County Port Authority conducted a Market Analysis and Feasibility Study in 2022 that combined a comprehensive market analysis of a wide range of realistic redevelopment scenarios with extensive community engagement. The purpose of the Jamestown Mall Market Analysis and Feasibility Study was to evaluate the feasibility of potential redevelopment opportunities that were commercially feasible and aligned with the needs and desires of the surrounding community. Below are the goals of the study.

Evaluation of Land Use Scenarios

The planning team developed six land use scenarios for initial analysis. Based on the initial market analysis and input from the community, three land use scenarios were chosen for final analysis. The end result was a preferred land use scenario and an alternative land use scenario that reflected community feedback.

Robust Community Engagement

Community engagement was a very important part of this process. Engagement included:

  • An advisory committee that included community members worked with the planning team to dive deep into the market analysis and develop principles of preferred development. 

  • A series of focused neighborhood conversations in small groups.

  • Two public forums.

Development Principles

The planning team worked with the advisory committee and the community in developing a set of “development principles”. These principles will help inform future development proposals and development standards to ensure community expectations are met.


February: Study Kickoff

March 23rd: Advisory Committee Meeting #1

April 12th: Advisory Committee Meeting #2

May 24th: Advisory Committee Meeting #3

Late April - Early June: Small Group Meetings

June 29th: Public Forum #1

August 4th: Advisory Committee Meeting #4

September 13th: Advisory Committee Meeting #5

September 21st: Public Forum #2

October 3, 5, and 6th: Small Group Discussions

October 25: Advisory Committee Meeting #6

November 18: AgTech Stakeholder Meeting

December 15: Update to Port Authority Board (Download Presentation)

December 20: Report from Planning Team