The St. Louis County Port Authority (the “Port”) is a political subdivision established under Chapter 68 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri (“RSMO”). The Port’s operations focus on promoting economic development in St. Louis County and include real estate redevelopment, community development, and the administration of the Port’s grant program.

To further its organizational purposes, the Port requires consulting services related to the issuance of governmental bonds, including under RSMO Chapter 68 (the “Services”). The Port issues this Request for Proposals (the “RFP”) for qualified providers to perform the Services on an as needed basis as projects arise.

Scope of Services

The Services to be furnished pursuant to this RFP shall include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Consultative services related to the development of several different bond issuance scenarios including, but not limited to, the following:
    • Development of financial models related to each bond issuance scenario, including different amounts, amortization periods, interest rates, and other considerations noted below
    • Consultation related to taxable and tax-exempt bond issuance considerations, its effects on interest rates, and guidance on evaluation of private activity and private payment factors
    • Evaluation and estimation of collateral or reserves necessary, if any, for each scenario and model developed
    • Evaluation and recommendation of a rated issuance versus an unrated issuance, including an evaluation of cost/benefit
    • Evaluation and estimation of fees associated with each scenario and model developed
    • Evaluation and estimation of potential capacity with each scenario and model developed
  • Be available to attend meetings of the Port staff, Finance Committee, and/or Board of Directors to report on the status of the engagement, as requested by Port staff;
  • Assistance to develop a request for proposal to perform underwriting and investment banking services for selected bond issuance scenario, if necessary; and
  • Provide all other reasonable advisory services, as needed relative to potential bond issuance scenarios and as requested by Port staff.

See RFP Here.

Proposals Due By:
February 7, 2025, by 3:00 PM CT
St. Louis County Port Authority
c/o St. Louis Economic Development Partnership
Attn: Howl Bean
AND Attn: Josh Ayers
120 S. Central Ave., Suite 200
St. Louis, Missouri 63105
[email protected]; [email protected]