St. Louis Promise Zone

2019 Promise Zone Annual Report

The St. Louis Promise Zone's Annual Report highlights the impact and collective work being done in the Promise Zone.

“The St. Louis Promise Zone entered the third year of its designation in 2018 and with that came many new opportunities, challenges and areas of growth. The St. Louis Economic Development Partnership, St. Louis Development Corporation, the City of St. Louis Mayor’s Office and the St. Louis County Executive’s Office all continued to work with the Zone as crucial implementation partners. With more than 100 partners total providing services to residents within the 60 square mile boundary, the region continued to prioritize the Promise Zone geography through increased programming, targeted outreach, and alignment of activities. This report shows the collective work and impact of many of our partners over the past year as a way to amplify and elevate those doing the heavy lifting. It is by no means all encompassing, but features highlights of their collective efforts.” Erica Henderson, Executive Director, St. Louis Promise Zone

Read the full report here.