St. Louis Initiative Named Finalist in Build Back Better Regional Challenge”

Rendering of a new building
CGI rendering of a building with people walking

A proposal by a broad, bi-state regional coalition, including the St. Louis Economic Development Partnership (STL Partnership) and Greater St. Louis, Inc., to develop a new “Regional Tech Triangle” has been named a finalist in the U.S. Economic Development Administration’s “Build Back Better Regional Challenge,” part of the federal government’s plan to boost economic pandemic recovery and rebuild American communities, including some that have been grappling with decades of disinvestment.

“We are excited to contribute to this public private partnership to develop the Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Center St. Louis. This regional asset will add to the community revitalization in north St. Louis City and provide training, employment, and innovation throughout the region,” said Rodney Crim, CEO and President of the STL Partnership.

The proposal was one of 60 chosen from a pool of 529 applicants. Finalists will each receive a grant of approximately $500,000 to further develop their proposed projects. Greater St. Louis, Inc. will leverage these funds with a $250,000 cash match and at least $250,000 in in-kind contributions to help set the stage for further success of the proposal.

Guided by St. Louis’ Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy and the cluster analysis and strategic recommendations in the STL 2030 Jobs Plan, the submission proposes the greater St. Louis Regional Tech Triangle (the “Tech Triangle”), which will leverage funds from the Build Back Better Regional Challenge to unlock the full potential of three distinct but related strength clusters in the region: advanced manufacturing, biosciences (medical and agriculture), and geospatial technology.

Learn more about the Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Center St. Louis (AMICSTL) here.