Iconic Barbershop Cutters & Co. Shares Their Story and Working with the STL Partnership

Image of a storefront of a barbershop that has a nautical theme
Miriam Meyer, Managing Partner and Co-Owner of Cutters & Co, stands behind a computer

Miriam Meyer, Managing Partner and Co-Owner of Cutters & Co.

Cutters & Co. is a historical barbershop and has been located on the lower level of the Chase Park Plaza for the past 98 years. They have persevered through COVID-19 and also worked with the STL Partnership to receive a Small Business Resource Fund Loan.

“Working with the STL Partnership provided the catalyst to immediately take advantage of the required closing during the pandemic, to completely renovate Cutters for the future,” said Miriam Meyer, Managing Partner and Co-Owner of Cutters & Co. ” The rapid funding allowed Cutters to immediately start a top to bottom re-imaging of the entire shop.”


The iconic barbershop was founded by husband and wife team Tom and Miriam Meyer. In 2005, Tom and Miriam visited the Chase Park Plaza. While enjoying the atmosphere and drinks, Jim Smith the late real estate executive and the key person for the rebirth of the Chase, came over to welcome them. Miriam expressed to Jim that Tom was a life long entrepreneur and Jim immediately expressed interest for them to restore the most famous barbershop in St. Louis.

Man getting his hair cut

Stylists at Cutters & Co.

Shortly following the encounter, Tom and Miriam decided to take Jim up on his offer.  A total demolition and rebuilding of Cutters & Co. began. On December 12, 2005, the anniversary of Frank Sinatra’s birthday, Cutters & Co. reopened the doors of the classic barbershop. “Since then it has become a favorite of the Central West End and has developed a major following,” said Miriam.

Cutters & Co. has been affectionately referred to as the “Secret of the Chase”, and for a good reason. Many celebrities throughout history, including the Rat Pack, as well as many modern-day VIPs have visited Cutters without any fanfare. “It has been Cutters’ policy to keep identities private so that they can relax without the pressure of recognition,” said Miriam. “We treat each client like a celebrity so every person feels like a VIP.”

Cutters and Co. storefrontDuring the COVID-19 outbreak, while their business was shut down, Tom and Miriam were also able to completely remodel their shop. The partial re-opening of the state has also allowed Cutters & Co. to make strides and successfully continue to operate their business.

“Cutters & Co. in cooperation with The Chase Park Plaza Royal Sonesta Hotel Management, have taken extraordinary steps to keep employees and customers safe. The Chase has provided Cutters & Co. additional space to insure social distancing and we have implemented professional safety procedures and partitioning the shop with airflow dividers to protect customers and employees,” said Miriam. “In addition, Cutters and the Chase have jointly sourced the necessary sanitizing products necessary for daily operation and cleaning.”

Graphic reading " The finest in Men's Grooming in the underground" featuring a Cutters & Co. logoMiriam also takes pride in what her business has to offer during these times. “Our wonderful stylists are providing a necessary service, but more importantly, they are providing an uplifting experience that is critical to the mental health of people during these difficult times,” said Miriam. “Getting a haircut is much more than a grooming ritual, it is a return to normalcy that is needed badly to restore a healthy outlook on life.”

The Meyers are committed to keeping their business an exclusive St. Louis gem. “Cutters & Co. gets many requests to franchise the concept every year, but Cutters’ philosophy has been to keep it exclusive and unique to the Chase Park Plaza,” said Tom Meyer. “Cutters is a gem of the Chase and a piece of St. Louis history, and this special character should remain an exclusive icon.”

For more information about Cutters & Co. visit their website here.