2022 National Brownfield Conference

St. Louis Economic Development Partnership’s (SLEDP) Maude Bauschard Trost, Community Development Project Manager, recently presented at the Brownfields 2022 “Sustainable Communities Start Here” conference. The National Brownfields Training Conference is the largest event in the nation focused on environmental revitalization and economic redevelopment.
Maude was joined by former SLEDP staff member Cordaryl “Pat” Patrick. Pat is the currently the Director of Community Development for the City of Decatur, IL. Maude and Pat were joined by David Doyle who works for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Region 7 Office in Lenexa, Kansas, and Doug Bisson, who serves as HDR’s Central Region Urban Planning and Design Principal and has expertise in urban design and redevelopment.
Their panel “Revitalizing a Community Impacted by Civil Unrest,” discusses the civil unrest that took place in the Fall of 2014 after the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri and destroyed many businesses in nearby Dellwood. Speakers from the St. Louis Economic Development Partnership, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 7 and HDR, Inc. will describe the impact of this unrest and the subsequent community revitalization.
The civil unrest that took place in the Fall of 2014 after the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri destroyed many businesses in nearby Dellwood. Speakers from the St. Louis Economic Development Partnership, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 7 and HDR, Inc. will describe the impact of this unrest and the subsequent community revitalization.
Over a dozen commercial businesses were destroyed along West Florissant Avenue in Dellwood, Missouri following the death of Michael Brown’s at the hands of the police in nearby Ferguson. Many of these structures were quickly rebuilt but some remained as vacant lots. In late 2016, the St. Louis Economic Development Partnership (SLEDP) approached EPA Region 7’s land revitalization program asking for help in developing plans for rebuilding on these vacant properties. EPA and SLEDP worked with EPA contractors, including HDR, Inc. and engaged with the City of Dellwood and local residents to develop conceptual site plans for 4 of these properties. Subsequent work included conducting environmental site assessments and a detailed community commercial market analysis. As a result of these efforts, in 2019, the St. Louis Urban League purchased 3 of these properties and will be using these plans to develop the properties. Development includes a senior living center, a bank, and spaces for a business incubator, several local non-profits and small businesses.
At the conclusion of the session, attendees will have a unique perspective on how a partnership between local and federal officials assisted a community to literally “rise from the ashes.”
If you have questions about potential Brownfields in your community, please reach out to Maude:
Maude Bauschard Trost
Community Development Project Manager
Community Investment / Real Estate / Promise Zone
Office: 314-615- 7665 / Cell 314-495-3155